
Note: The views expressed in these presentations are those of the original presenters and not necessarily of this website.

Rev Marcus D. Smith Current Teaching Series & Messages

HERMENEUTICS - Rightful Interpretation of Scripture

SALVATION - Now & Then

THE GODHEAD - Who is God?

MARRIAGE - According to scripture

HOLINESS - The scriptural definition

MIRACLES - Now & then

LIFE LESSONS - Things I have Learned


DON'T DRINK THE KOOLAID - Study the Word for Yourself

CURRENT MESSAGES - Rev. Marcus D. Smith

Ministry Moments

Song Selection Series - Current

Rev. Marcus D. Smith Teaching & Preaching Oldies

Oldie Goldies We've Enjoyed over the years.

Preaching/ Teaching Cassettes/CD's

Preaching/ Teaching Cassettes/CD's

Preaching/ Teaching Videos

Preaching/ Teaching Videos

Preaching/ Teaching Videos

Other Shares

Music Videos

Music Videos