Inspirational Blog

The Annullment

When a boy and girl meet, sparks fly and butterflies begin to form in their tummies, the boy will often, after a period, find himself on bended knee asking for the girl’s hand in marriage. This has now become quite the production, second only to the wedding itself, with the advent of social media. However, […]

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When I was a young girl I learned, whether by verbal lesson, example, or implication, I cannot recall, however, a lesson worth remembering. It was that when walking with a gentleman, boy, male, whether family member, friend, or love interest, they should walk on the outside and the lady, girl, female would walk on the

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Winkie Face

I had a dentist appointment not too long ago for my bi-annual cleaning and checkup, so I took a day off the job. I have been blessed with a wonderful job, and have accumulated many hours of sick leave, therefore, I took the entire day off. I knew that after the morning appointment, I would

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The Fitted Sheet

I believe that everyone has an archnemesis, even if they are referred to by different names. According to all wise internet, “An archnemesis refers to a character or entity that is the main adversary or opponent of another character or entity, often present in literature, films, or other forms of media. They typically represent the

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