Inspirational Blog

A Full Quiver

Surnames began to be used in the Middle Ages as the population began to grow, they needed to distinguish between two individuals with the same first name. They would use a person’s characteristic such as Joy or Bright, their parent’s first name, like Thomas or David, the place they were from or a landmark, such

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Prepped for War

The Continental Army pre-dates the United States by almost a year. It was established on June 14, 1775, with George Washington from Virginia, being sworn in as the Commander and Chief five days later. He was chosen because his excellent reputation as a military leader preceded him. This undertaking was considered a United Colonial Force,

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The Rat Race

It seems as if when you drive down the highway, especially in larger cities, on the morning commute to work, that people are always in such a rush. Where are they all going one might wonder. I would imagine at that time of day, most of them are also going to work, yet they are

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