Staying Engaged in the Word of God One Morsel at a Time…
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Hosted by Barbara Smith
About our content…
In general, those who believe that the Bible is the Word of God would agree that it should be read and obeyed, however, carrying this out becomes the challenge. One reason of course is that we are human, and it doesn’t come naturally for us, however, a lot of times it is just from a lack of understanding. Some might say it is too old fashioned, irrelevant to our day or they don’t understand the big, weird words or the fancy writing. They give up right away and just don’t read it at all. Jesus wants us to understand, be kept from evil and be sanctified daily by His word.
The adage is true, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, but it was built! Some things take time, but they are worth it. There are other items that are old fashioned and have been around thousands of years, just like the Bible and we can’t live without them, we call them, food, water and oxygen. You would not think of discarding those so quickly. Then why abandon the living Word of God? I propose we can understand it if we ingest it one morsel at a time.
Meet Your Host

Barbara Smith
My motto to live by is, “Variety is the Spice of Life.”
I have been the wife of Rev. Marcus D. Smith over for forty years now, which has been a joyous journey. We have been working in the ministry for at least that many years, and from birth, if you count having our diapers changed on a church pew. We have also worked a secular job for that many years, therefore, we are well aware of the ups and downs that people in and out of the church face. However, we know, that with the Lord, we can have peace even in adversity.
I am the mother of four beautiful daughters, three wonderful sons-in-law and the grandmother to four wonderful grandkids, affectionately referred to as ‘grandies’. I am old enough to know better, but not old enough to retire yet, therefore, we are still trudging along on this highway called life, love, laughter and ministry. This world is in constant flux, and we do not know from one day to the next what will happen or where we will be, despite all of our arduous planning, therefore, we have to trust in the Lord. The way that we can accomplish this is through knowing Him, and this is done through reading and staying engaged in His Word. Thus, this podcast endeavor!
In addition to my continuing education through the school of ‘Hard Knocks aka Life’, I received my Bachelor’s degree in Missions in 1983 and my Master’s degree in Integrated Communications in 2019. Our Ministry Team are all very capable and dedicated to the work of God and the distributing of His word.
Though we have ministered for over forty years, modern technology presents even more ways and means by which we can continue being a blessing to others. Nothing done as unto the Lord is done in vain and will always yield multiplied dividends. God Bless you all!