Come to your Senses

Our five senses are some of our most powerful tools for enhancing our well-being. Even today, doctors are still trained to rely on their senses to help diagnose and treat illnesses. Yet the hectic pace of modern life can sometimes drown out our ability to tune into our bodies. However, by recharging our senses, we

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Educated Idiot

In the days and times, we live in of political correctness, the mere use of the word idiot can make people outraged against you, however, this has not always been the case. The word idiot as we use it today is when we are referring to someone who is acting silly, idiotic, or crazy or

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Straining at the Oars

The original twelve disciples of Jesus were an assorted bunch, quite diverse and yet with many things in common. They were not all ‘book smart’ educated, however, some were. They did not all have ‘street smarts’ however, some did. Together they were resourceful, educated and experienced in life. They were all well into what we

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The Salt Covenant

In a recent job training class that lasted several weeks, when participating in a split session, the trainees came up with two team names, ‘Spicy’ and ‘Salty.’  They produced these names because of the banter that had gone on within the group. The spicy ones being ‘on fire’ with their quick come backs and often

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